What does this app do and how much will it save me

 What does this app do and how much will it save me
Published on 11-03-2022

What does the app do?

  • Organize your employees into teams in the system and assign a manager to the team ( Can be existing teams or a team can make up of a supervisor and the people under the supervisor)
  • Organize Accounting by Creating and adding products or services that your organization sells into the system for you to then assign the product to the team that sells the said product or service. Then teams sell the product or service and create sales orders every time they complete a sale or process a payment or generate a lead
  • Generate sales reports and see who is selling what in real time
  • Upload and share important documents with teams so that they always have access to what they need for the day, week or month and prevent disorganized paperwork
  • Create and assign work areas on the map to teams or individual employees, this makes mapping much more organized because you can mark a mapped area as either active or completed and keep records of all mapped areas worked with time stamps of when they were worked.
  • With work areas employees and managers can see exactly where they need to be and not get lost or when someone isn’t where they should be the manager or company owner can be aware of this immediately
  • Lose someone? You can always find them when you can see them live on the map
  • Live tracking and location saving on the map with time stamps to know exactly where people are and what time they were there
  • You can communicate with your staff with ease utilizing our Live messaging feature. Send messages to individual employees or team members
  • If you Run an install company or service company or courier company, then you can use our tasks feature to create and assign jobs to individual employees, you would also create a work area on the map that goes with the specific job you created and assign it to the same employee,.Then the employee would login and see the details, see the location on the map, enable live tracking, go to the job site and complete the job, then add notes and submit photo proof of job completion. Management or company owner would then see the job completed with any notes, and photo proof. Then he would see the saved locations on the map from the employee, with time stamps, showing exactly what time the employee arrived, what time they left, and how long it took to arrive to the job site. This prevents time theft.
  • Helps you save generated leads through our Leads feature which is for companies that do lead generating in a door to door or business to business setting. Employees can login, view their routes on the map, enable live tracking or save map location, then when generating a lead, create a new lead and add the customers details for management to view when they login. Makes for organized lead generating.

Who is the app for? The app is for sales companies and installation/service companies, even courier/delivery companies can use this. So sales companies that utilize door to door or business to business methods of business. The app is also for any company that sends employees out to complete tasks. That can be any company that performs installs at customers homes or businesses, service companies that perform services at customers homes or business, courier or distribution companies that make deliveries, Lead generating companies

What are the features?

  • Mapping with live tracking that comes with time stamps
  • Document sharing
  • Team creation
  • Document sharing
  • Live messaging
  • Product creation
  • Live sales reports
  • Job creation and assignment to employees that requires proof of completion

How can I install it ?

The app is web based so there is no need to install it. You can create a free account and try the app then upgrade as per your companies requirements. A mobile version is due to release in the next 120 days.

How does it benefit me? How much can it save me?

This benefits you because it helps your company solve problems and solving those problems will help you save money and time. Here’s how:

  1. You will save time by knowing exactly where your employees are at all times. This is good for managers that take out sales teams and assign them areas to work then go pick them up after they are done, rather than struggle to find them, just see them live on the map. ( If one individual gets lost that can cause a delay of an hour , which when you have multiple employees can be of up to , hundreds of dollars in losses, depending on the size of that team because the manager is focusing on finding the lost person ,in turn delaying all other team members) Money saved $200 per day, 20 work days $4000 dollars saved
  2. You will save money when you know where your employees are and exactly what time they were there, through time stamps that come with saved spots on the map. ( Time theft can cost a company a lot of money, imagine if each employee stole 1 hour of time per day at a minimum. Let us do the math. 4 employees x 1 hour = 4 hours x 50 per hour = $200 in stolen money per day x 20 work days a month $4000 in stolen money per month
  3. You will be organized with mapping by being able to create work areas and assign them to teams , then splitting the team area into individual work areas that area assigned to members of the team. You can also assign multiple work areas to a team member to create routes for people that do service calls or installations on site at customers homes or business locations. When a work area is completed you can mark it as complete and keep records of worked areas on the map. Time spent on disorganized mapping can be about an hour a day in on the spot mapping, can be another hour in trying to figure out previous mapping, so lets say 2 hours a day in lost time. 2 hours a day x 20 work days = 40 hours x $50 = $2000 a month
  4. You won’t struggle to find people in work areas if you are driving teams of sales people into work areas because you will see their location on the map and know where they are.
  5. Accounting can be much more organized by keeping records of all transactions your company does by creating sales invoices, each time your employees either make a product or service transaction. ( disorganized accounting can easily cost $5000 a year in accounting fees and other mishaps) $5000 / 12 months in a year = $416 per month
  6. You can see all sales live through viewing sales reports, and know what team is selling what and what individuals are selling what thus viewing live production, and if you see no productivity happening, then you can use live messaging to contact the mangemer or team members, see if they are in the work areas by viewing them on the map. The avoidance of someone being affected by cumulative non productivity ( That is the person losing more and more momentum on a day to day basis and allowing it to fester and become worst day by day ) can save you up to $5000 a month in lost sales or non-productivity when paying people by the hour. Saving $5000
  7. You can generate sales reports for future accounting and avoid disorganized nightmares by having a record of all transactions that occurred by all your different teams and team members
  8. Live messaging will improve communication and avoid not being able to reach someone. Communication mishaps can cost up to thousands a month. I will be generous with my assumption based off of prior experience to say a minimum amount of lost communication can cost about $500 per month in other issues that arise from not being able to get a hold of someone when needed
  9. Tasks feature make it so that you can make sure jobs that are given to employees are being done correctly by requiring employees to add notes and submit photo evidence of job completion, avoiding improperly performed work can easily cost $2000 at a minimum per month in lost revenue, if not more!
  10. Lost leads are a problem and can cost a company thousands, lets say 5 leads a week go missing due to disorganization. That is 20 leads a month, and let’s say your company has a closing ratio fo 35% , then you lost 7 clients a month. If each client is work 1000 dollars to you then that is $7000 in lost revenue. So, how much did we save you this month? $24,916 is what we saved your company this month. How much did you spend? $399 and over the course of a year how much did you spend? $3900 but how much did you save using our app?$298,992 minimum is how much you saved.

Is the app easy to use? Yes, super easy to use, We have videos that show you how to set everything up and get going instantly which is here https://canvasrs.com/tutorials We also offer great support for all of our users through our support page

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes, you can signup free here https://canvasrs.com/signup